PuraVida Church

The Leon family and Pura Vida church have a deep tie in our story.  Esterillos is not only the place we became engaged, but also the first place Megan ever visited outside the country, and both Kenn and Megans first mission trip was to Estrillos Costa Rica.  Not only has the villiage and community captured both of our hearts, but the relational values and minstry the Leon family exhibit aligns perfectly with what we both believe is the true meaning of ministry and our purpose on this planet.  Below is a bit more about PuraVida Church and the Leon Family.

The PuraVida Church Vision: “Establish relevant churches in our communities and beyond.”

The PuraVida Church Mission: “Bringing Christ to people one authentic relationship at a time. Being Disciples and making Disciples of Christ. Being a blessing to our Community. Depending on the Holy Spirit for everything.”

Culturally Relevant: By relevant we mean speaking their “language” and understanding their needs and culture without a judgmental or self-righteous attitude. This is accomplished only by being part of the community where we minister, in other words it is to know the need of our community and seek practical ways to meet them.

Purpose: Why Costa Rica?
Tourism, foreign influence and money have impacted these beach communities in a negative way, creating “sin cities” where prostitution, drugs and violence are the norm.
Legalistic church tradition and lack of resources have led to stagnated congregations who intentionally do not reach out to their neighbors who are unlike themselves.
The Gospel message will never change, but the ways to communicate it do. We will never compromise the message of salvation through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection.
However, we want to meet people exactly where they are in their life, walk with them and deliver a message of love and hope in Christ in a way that is real to them.

1 Corinthians 9:19-23


One response to “PuraVida Church”

  1. […] got the opportunity to sit down with Dennis Leon the Pastor of Pura Vida Church in Esterillos, Costa Rica. In the video Dennis speaks about the founding core values they hold […]

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