
The Proposal

What started out as a mission trip to Costa Rica became a moment in history that would forever change my life.

As Kenn and I began our second trip to Costa Rica together, my mind was focused on what we were going to accomplish while we were there and what new experiences and life lessons I would bring back once again.

Each day of our trip proved to be nothing less than incredible. I could not imagine anything better than serving God and the people of Esterillos side by side with my best friend for five wonderful days. As the last day of our trip approached, we began to prepare one last dinner for all of the kids and the Leon family. Clouds started to roll in moving everyone inside for some Costa Rica coffee and bananas. I decided to hop in the shower before the rest of the night’s festivities when I was told that the entire team was going to walk down to the waterfall on the beach and take a team picture. Myself, along with a few other team members were extremely confused as to why we needed to take a picture at that exact moment, in the rain, on the beach. Nevertheless I thought nothing of it and began walking with the crew to our destination. As we got closer, I saw a circle of my favorite flowers laid out perfectly on the beach. At that moment, time stopped as my mind began to race faster than ever before.

Kenn led me into the flowers, and got down on one knee. My heart was racing, my hands were shaking, and for the first time in my life, I truly thought I was in a dream. He took my hand and asked if I would chase after God with him for the rest of our lives. I had no words to express the joy, excitement, and shock that was coming over me. That moment in time was so surreal. So unexpected. So much better than anything I could have ever imagined. I couldn’t put two words together for the life of me, but somehow I managed to yell out, OF COURSE!

The ring was on my finger, close friends were all around, and the sun was setting on one of my favorite beaches in the world. In that short fifteen minutes, we escaped reality and experienced true joy that does not come around often. I left that trip with an entirely new perspective on life, and the future to come:)


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